Kalua Pork Shoulder
A few weeks ago we were able to go a dinner/ launch party for Michelle Tam and Nom Nom Paleo’s new cookbook. So we have tried some of her recipes. One of the most interesting recipes we found was the Kalua Pork Shoulder for the crockpot. It is one of the most flexible meals we have ever cooked. You can use it on lettuce leaves, mix it into omelets or use it on a salad. A word of caution be careful with the salt, and you will probably have to do some planning on the timing of this one, but it was so worth the time and effort!
- 5 lbs. Boston Butt Roast
- 3 slices bacon
- 1 1/2 Tablespoons Red Hawaiian Coarse Sea Salt
- 5 peeled garlic cloves

- Use 1/3 of a teaspoon of fine salt or 3/4 of a teaspoon of medium or coarse salt per pound of meat.
- I minced the cloves of garlic and rubbed them over pork roast.
- Then coated it with the proper amount of salt.
- Then we lined the bottom of the slow cooker with the bacon.
- Then placed the roast skin side up on top of the bacon. Set the slow cooker to low and cook for about 16 hours.
- Then with two forks remove the roast and shred the meat while it's still warm.
- Make sure not to shred it in the pot as it will be too salty.
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