A Podcast Has Lead Me to a New Challenge: 30 minute Writing Every Day

I have a new fascination, podcasts... Yeah I know I am a few years late to the table on this one but eh what can I say I am not an earlier adopter!

I know when Erin reads this, she is going to roll her eyes and say I told you this years ago!  Well, I am a slow learner, but once I get it I am...

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Water Water Everywhere But You're Probably Not Drinking Enough!


Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking Fast and Thinking Slow" is a fascinating book, in it, he describes our brain working with two systems; system 1 being the quick, intuitive driver and system 2 being the part of your mind that you must concentrate to use.
Part of what fascinated me was that almost...

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How Many Cups of Veggies a Day?


I tend to be a meat-based, by meat-based I mean totally a carnivore.  So, when I read Terry Wahls book "The Wahls Protocol" I knew I needed to change things up to fight the inflammation and aging that was creeping in on my body.

If you haven't read that book it is well worth the...

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Squats... You need to do them....


"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~Thomas Edison


Fundamental Human Movement: The Squat (Sit down and Stand up)


The number one thing outside of...

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Thomas Edison Quote "The doctor of the future"

There is a very famous quote that has been attributed to Thomas Edison it goes like:

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

I as Chiropractors especially those...

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Maybe I'm Wrong, But God Does Test You!


As most of you know, I fly by the seat of my pants with most things... Usually not in a good way... 

I have let way too many small fires burn to try to put out bigger fires or more "important" fires.  Which, usually aren't that important, but I have let them go long enough that...

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Challenge Yourself to change your Life!


I am literally at my happiest and my best when I am studying learning and teaching.  If you want me to be depressed, make me so tired, so busy (usually with non-sensical things) that I can't learn, grow, expand or teach someone something new.  

I found myself in that position a few...

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New Lease... Same location... a lot of life changes


I have seriously tried to shoot this video and write this post for about for about six months.  

The past few months... let's be honest the last few years, have been some of the most trying in my life as a parent, a husband, a teacher and a Doctor.  I have been spread much to thin...

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What is the Whole30?

Generally, I can't stand the latest "vogue" diet but. Things like the Potato Diet, the Alkaline Diet, the Cookie Diet, The Master Cleanse Diet, or the myriad of other oddball diets that try to get you to eat anything but real, unprocessed foods.

However, this natural skepticism of "fad" like...

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Why You Should Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup!



Why You Should Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup is simply put, sugar made from corn. Back in the early 1970’s, they figured out how to digest the corn to get a higher yield of sugar out of it, and that resulted in what we know today as High Fructose Corn...

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